The Power of Lead Generation. Turn Why into Wow...

Since the start of 'Welly Pictures', I have collated my own client list and I have been promoting myself as a commercial photographer, over various social media avenues. I have found that one thing I need to always do is to collect LEADS. So I saw this workshop in Towcester and thought let’s go and see what I can learn and what I need to do better. I was keen on learning how to improve the percentage of traffic to my website.

Since deciding to start my own business I have attended many workshops and watched multiple 'YouTube videos to learn more about marketing, social media and how to set up your own business.

This workshop was rather informative and the set speaker and organisers were really helpful and friendly. They have offered each attendee support after the event and mentioned further workshops on offer. I would recommend attending this workshop to others as Mark Dilks the presenter, is very knowledgeable, friendly and supportive.


Mark showed this video clip and I feel this information was shocking and interesting to find out.

Then we discussed what all attendees wished to get from attending the seminar


The seminar was all about understanding your audience, their needs and how you are using your marketing to reach them.

You were given some set tasks to complete during the session to encourage your thinking about what your UPS was and who might be your audience.

We looked into set social media avenues and how best to use them. Then considered the use of keywords, google ads and SEO for your website.

Mark explained the process of gaining leads and turning them into sales, with the use of this diagram below.


What I learned from attending this seminar was to:

  1. Identify my target market

  2. 5 ways of gaining leads

  3. Other ways to use Linkedin

  4. SEO for my website and use of a landing page

  5. Better use of Google

From this training, I have come away with a list of tasks to complete, which will help me gain more leads and I have a better understanding of SEO.

The images from above show you photographs of the leaflets and activities asked to be completed during the seminar.


After this seminar, I will receive a website review, training course and a 1:1 session with Mark at a later date.

I will complete my own 90-day plan with the key advice gained from this seminar the feedback from my 1:1 and the completion of the training course that I have completed.


Bloody Mary Day


Meeting Father Christmas