Commercial Property Photographer.

As a photographer specializing in capturing properties, I place great emphasis on photographing the surroundings to evoke emotions in viewers, whether they are potential buyers or guests at hotels and spas. Utilizing images to enhance the appeal of real estate, architecture, or hospitality spaces is essential in attracting customers.

Meridian Interiors worked with Sam from Welly Pictures on a recent photography shoot and we were really impressed with her work. She was very professional, arrived on time and produced some lovely photography. We look forward to working with Sam again!

— Paul Dawson


Accomodation Photography

I have worked with Airbnb hosts, hotels on, and properties to take photos that create a cozy and welcoming vibe for guests. I capture wide shots of living and sleeping areas and also focus on lifestyle details like inventory and welcome gifts to attract potential guests.

  • Interior and exterior photography

    1 hr photographic & post-production

    10 high-quality images

    £9.50 per extra images

  • Interior and exterior photography

    2hr photographic & post-production

    20 High-quality images

    £7.45 per extra images

  • Interior and exterior photography

    2/3 hrs photographic & post-production

    30 High-quality images

    £6.50 per extra images

Estate Agency Photography

I have taken pictures of various types of buildings in Northamptonshire. I charge a set price for each property and take multiple photos to showcase each home well. I use Nikon cameras, tripods, flashes, and wide-angle lenses to ensure high-quality, natural-looking photos. I edit all photos myself and deliver them to you within 48 hours.

  • Interior and exterior photography

    1 hr photographic & post-production

    10 high-quality images

    £9.50 per extra images

  • Interior and exterior photography

    2hr photographic & post-production

    20 High-quality images

    £7.45 per extra images

  • Interior and exterior photography

    2/3 hrs photographic & post-production

    30 High-quality images

    £6.50 per extra images

Commercial Property Photography

I work with interior designers, builders, kitchen experts, and businesses to update property images. My photos capture projects beautifully using different camera techniques and lighting. I edit all photos using Adobe software.

Clients can be involved in planning or provide a brief. amd for big projects, we can do a site visit for a more accurate cost estimate.

The price begins at £350 for a half-day session. I provide customized prices based on your needs, like if you only need an hour of photography instead of a half-day or full-day session.

Freelance Property Service

I can work for you as a freelance photographer, for your company. if you are wishing to work with a photographer on a regular basis. You can book me by the day, or week. You'll get photos based on your needs within 48 hours.

Please tell me what you need during our meeting and provide a summary. I can work remotely or at your office for editing. Inform me of any additional assistance you require.

Sign-up to a yearly freelance contract for these set rates:

£255 - Half-day rate - 3 hours and same day image edits

£450 - Full-day rate - 6 hour shoot and 48 hr images edit turn around

Book more two or three days in one week

  • Day rate for 6 hours is £180 per day for a minimum of 2 days

  • Day rate for 6 hours is £150 per day for a minimum of 3 days

This service is available for interior designers, kitchen experts, commercial builders, and large commercial property companies with regular property photography needs.


If you would like to know more or discuss a project I’d love to hear from you.