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This week I wanted to get my clients or followers to interact with my social media posts.

These are a selection of photographs that link to a baking recipe and the idea per day was to upload three images with recipe directions for people to try and guess what I am baking. I had a few close guesses and one person guessed correctly.

The final set of three photographs of the cooked muffins. The answer to this interactive baking blog is Banana Muffins.

RECIPE is taken from BBC Food -

For these muffins, I have not included the walnuts and replaced them with raisins. I have used wholemeal self-raising flour.

Comments are always welcome and please share if you like.

Follow me on Instagram @welly_pictures or visit my website -

If you have read this blog, you may wish to know more by either booking a photographic 1:1 mentoring session or let’s talk about working together to photograph your food branding, product or catering service.

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Start up day


Healthy Living and eating promotion.