A Peek Inside A Chocolate Covered Raisins Photography Session

This blog is all about my own processes for when I need to take a selection of images to use for my own social media.

This shooting process was to take a photograph that can be used to represent #ChocolateCoveredRaisinsDay

I have found some stock photos of this product, which I plan on re-creating for this product, in my home studio.


For the photography setup, I have taken certain visual ideas from all of the above images, to help recreate my own version. I like the clear white background & the close-up of each product, which shows the texture and surface of chocolate raisins. This is what I will make sure to include in my own picture.

The setup used for this picture was to have a white background and use studio lighting

Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 09.23.06.png

Once I have set up the position of the studio light and a reflector, I placed the product in the middle of the white background. This lighting setup is referred to as one light setup and this setup can also have two lights instead of the reflector option.

You may ask why I have decided to only use one light and not use two! For food pictures, the one light shows highlights of the food and if this light is diffused, it gives a natural daylight shadow and this is perfect for photographing food dishes, products and ingredients. The use of the reflector helps bounce the light back towards the food product so that the shadows formed by the one light are then diffused further.


For my own picture, I have decided upon a flat lay set-up, so my tripod was placed and the camera was set up with the lens facing down towards the product. See the side image for an example of the tripod position.

Theory - A flat lay is simply an image shot directly from above

After I decided on this angle for this shot, I decided to either spread the product or place the product in a bowl.

Here are the two main images that I took, where I have placed the product in the two ways I have mentioned above.





I have decided to use picture one as the main picture for my own social media post because I like the edited colour per chocolate raisin

Please take a look at both images, and leave a comment below, on which picture you prefer. That you feel represents #ChocolateCoveredRaisinsDay.

If You Would Like To Have More Information And Learn More, Then Please Give Me Some Blog Suggestions In The Comments Below Or Arrange A 1:1 Photography Session With me.

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